Welcome to Lorecall!

The idea for Lorecall began back in 2007 when Sean Quinn (the lead engineer on the Lorecall project) and a few friends were involved in a play-by-post (PbP) game on the old forums that he hosted. While the games were fun, and allowed a number of friends to reconnect with a past time they enjoyed throughout high school and college despite no longer living near one another, it became clear that forums were not structured enough without heavy modification for gaming.

Towards the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008 the concept for what "Lorecall" (then, as of yet unnamed) could be really began to form.

"I wanted to build a platform that would remind me of the heavy, story-driven, narratives that I had found online in AOL chat rooms and on Yahoo! groups. Everyone involved created these amazing characters and built a shared reality for them, it was a hugely collaborative effort." Sean, describing his motivation for Lorecall.

Lorecall was just a concept for a number of years while work, writing, and other projects took priority. Around late 2013, work on Lorecall began in earnest. The foundation of the project had been well defined up to this point, so all that was needed was to execute on the idea. After some research, the project began and, now a year and a half later, we're quietly launching Lorecall.

An opened spell book

Our focus is, and has been, establishing an intuitive and powerful tool for collaborative storytelling. Before we decided to pursue writing our own tool and adding to the space of tools for online table top gaming, we looked at the various tools and services that existed. Some of them were game assistants and campaign managers, others were virtual replacements for the traditional table top experience. We didn't feel that any of these, alone, met our needs.

Tools like virtual table tops for providing a "dining room table"-like gaming experience are great, and we think they have a lot of merit in online gaming. However, we want to provide the tools to create a strong story-driven foundation for the games played on Lorecall first and foremost. We would eventually like to incorporate something like a virtual table top into our service, as it can only augment the experience, but we want to do it right and we want the experience players and story tellers have to be amazing. As a small team we can only do so much at a time.

Lorecall is one of a number of like-minded web sites hoping to attract your attention as a tool to complement your existing gaming experience. We have big dreams for Lorecall and want to make it the best that we can. We need the communities help to make that happen though, as well as your trust and patience. We're always open to new suggestions and, chances are we'll have more ideas than our capacity to implement them will allow for.

Currently, Lorecall's offerings are fairly narrow, but as we grow we plan on expanding on these so that we provide more value for you and everyone else who want to use Lorecall as (one of) their online role playing tools of choice!

With all of that being said, Lorecall is stil a labor of love. With only a single developer on the project, we're anticipating a slow burn on polishing the platform, fixing bugs (we'll prioritize security flaws and significant defects), and the addition of new features. If you're at all interested in helping out with the Lorecall project, reach out to us at careers@lorecall.com.

Adventure awaits, heed the call!

Lorecall is an Online Role-Playing community which aims to provide gamers with resources and tools to manage their campaigns and engage in the narrative aspect of collaborative story telling entirely online if they so choose. Follow Lorecall on Twitter @lorecall