Mistgate offers players a fresh mixture of science fiction and fantasy elements for Dungeons & Dragons 5e.

The Known World and the Mists

Divided between the Known World and the Mists, the Mistgate setting is one where monumental events have shaped not only the history of the world but also have left visible scars upon it.

Explore the ever expanding frontiers of the Known World, or traverse the infininte expanse of the Mists using the Mistgates or sailing the Mist Sea upon Mistbreaker ships.

Magic and Technology

In Mistgate, the ability to manipulate magic unassisted is a rare gift. Instead, spellcasters rely on tapping into the streams of magical energy that flow throughout the world known as aether or its crystalized form, aetheryte. Because of its importance in magic, aetheryte is a critical resource throughout the Known World.

In the absence of abundant magic, technological advancement has thrived. With the recent discovery of artifacts from an age long past, the union of magic and technology in the form of magictech has propelled the world toward a new age of magical- and technological revolution.

Ruins and the Mysteries of the Past

Long abandoned ruins lay scattered throughout the Known World and the Mists, holding secrets of the past and ancient artifacts. The Great Ruin, the apocalyptic-scale event that brought about the end of the Herald's civilization, warped time and space in an explosion of magical energy scattering remnants of their civilization to all corners of existence.

Mistgate is launching its Kickstarter in Spring 2024 and plans on beginning delivery in early 2025. If you're interested in covering Mistgate, below you'll find the details on the campaign setting, key features, and what will be included in the Kickstarter.

The nephari have a deeply rooted connection to a time when magic was scarce in the world, being brought into existence through rituals that sought to produce living gods.

Discover the nephari, one of the people of the world of Mistgate. Be introduce to some of the nephari's history, and get a glimpse of one of the character options for the upcoming Mistgate game.

Embark on a crowdfunding adventure for "Mistgate," a groundbreaking science fantasy role-playing game set to launch this year. Mistgate offers a flexible and immersive world, seamlessly blending elements of science and fantasy, where adventurers explore ancient ruins, navigate the unpredictable Mists, and engage in a dynamic magical renaissance. This pre-launch initiative invites supporters to contribute to the realization of Mistgate's unique vision, promising a nuanced narrative that redefines divinity, religion, and faith in the realm of role-playing games.

For time immemorial, the agar have called Theia home. Ancient ruins and tales suggest they were the first people, even predating the Heralds themselves. Born from the blood of Tiamat and forged from Bahamut's ribs, the agar are a strong, wise, and spiritual people.